Give Online

Support Salve through our online gift form.

Give by Mail

Mail your check made payable to Salve Regina University, Office of University Advancement, 100 Ochre Point Ave., Newport, RI 02840.

Give by Phone

Call the Office of University Advancement at (401) 341-2902.

Recurring Giving

Our convenient monthly giving option strengthens our mission and preserves the Salve tradition for future generations.

Multi-Year Pledges

Pledges allow you to make a commitment to be paid over multiple years based on a mutually agreed upon payment schedule.

Stocks, Bonds and Securities

With gifts of appreciated stock, bonds or stock options, you pay no tax on the capital gains, and you can earn a charitable deduction of up to 60% of your adjusted gross income.

Matching Gifts

Many companies will match their employees’ gifts to educational institutions, and some also match gifts from employees’ spouses and retirees.

Planned Giving

Show your support for Salve and its mission while accommodating your own personal, financial, estate planning and philanthropic goals.

Electronic Funds and Wire Transfers

To make a campaign gift through an electronic funds or wire transfer, please contact Katherine Horoschak, assistant vice president for advancement, at (401) 341-2438 or

Faculty and Staff Giving

Whether you’re in the classroom, on the sidelines, working in an office or outdoors, our efforts foster the success of our students and the University as a whole.